
According to the CDC, almost half of Americans over the age of 30 have gum disease to some degree. Gum disease, which is also known as periodontal disease, can cause everything from swollen gums and loose teeth to tooth sensitivity and even bad breath.

If you ever suspect that you might be dealing with gum disease, you should call on a periodontist for help ASAP. A periodontist is someone who specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating gum disease.

There are certain signs that will suggest you might need periodontal care. You should keep an eye out for them and make an appointment with a periodontist if you spot any of them. It’ll put you in a position to get the dental care you’ll need to stop gum disease from getting any worse.

Here are seven signs that will let you know you need to visit a periodontist to prevent further oral health problems.

1. Your Gums Are Red, Swollen, and/or Bleeding

Every time you finish brushing and flossing your teeth, you should take a look in the mirror and see what your gums look like. If they’re red, swollen, and/or bleeding at all, this is not going to be a good sign.

Red, swollen, and/or bleeding gums are usually surefire signs of gum disease. You’re going to want to book an appointment with a periodontist as soon as you can to have them looked at.

If you don’t do anything about this issue, you’re going to continue to experience pain and discomfort in your gums. A periodontist will be able to talk to you about how to treat your gum disease so that you can do away with the pain you feel.

2. You Have Receding Gums

Do your teeth suddenly look longer than they used to? This could be an indication that your gums are receding due to gum disease.

Everyone’s gums will recede a little as they age. But you shouldn’t really be able to notice it. If you can, it’ll be another sign that’ll show that you should see a periodontist soon to obtain periodontal services.

You might need to take advanced measures to stop your gums from receding any more than they already have. A periodontist can point you in the right direction by talking to you about what your options will be.

3. Some of Your Teeth Feel Loose

When you’re a kid, there is absolutely nothing to worry about when your teeth start to get loose. But as an adult, it can be terrifying when you feel one or more of your teeth starting to move around on you.

More often than not, loose teeth in an adult will suggest that their jawbone is starting to thin out because of gum disease. If you don’t do anything about this, you will begin to lose teeth sooner or later.

It’s easy to write off the feeling of a loose tooth as a figment of your imagination. But it’s better to be safe than sorry by having a periodontist sneak a peek at your teeth to see if any of them might really be loose.

4. You’ve Experienced a Change in Your Bite

When you bite down, do your teeth feel different than they once did? This could be an indication that your bite has changed on you for one reason or another.

This can, unfortunately, be one of the symptoms of gum disease. Your teeth might begin to move around in your mouth and cause issues when you bite down.

You won’t want to delay seeing a periodontist if your bite has changed dramatically for no good reason. You might have a gum disease problem that will need to be dealt with accordingly to stop this situation from spiraling out of control.

5. Your Teeth Feel More Sensitive Than Usual

About 12% of people suffer from some form of tooth sensitivity. If your teeth have started to feel more sensitive, you might be able to turn this around by changing the toothpaste you use.

But you might also have to take more dramatic steps if your teeth feel sensitive because you have gum disease. A periodontist can assess your dental health and let you know if this is what seems to be the problem.

6. You Have Unexplained Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis as it’s known within the dental industry, affects about 25% of people all around the world. If you have bad breath almost all the time, adjusting your oral care habits might be enough to reverse this trend.

But you might be surprised to hear that gum disease could also be to blame for bad breath. Working with a periodontist could help you eliminate bad breath once and for all while also making your teeth and gums healthier than they’ve been in a long time.

7. You’re Having a Hard Time Eating

Are you constantly having to shift food around in your mouth because it hurts to chew it with certain teeth? There could be an issue with one or more of your teeth that will need to be corrected.

But you might also have a deep-rooted issue with your gums if you’re struggling to eat on a regular basis. In this case, a periodontist will be able to get to the bottom of the issue and correct it so that you’re able to eat without any pain or discomfort moving forward.

Need to Make an Appointment With a Periodontist? Call Us

Are you concerned about the condition of your gums? If you believe that you might be someone who is suffering from gum disease, you should call on a periodontist for help as soon as you can.

Memorial Dentists can provide you with the periodontal services that you’ll need to treat gum disease. We can also offer you a wide range of other dental care services.

Touch base with us today to make an appointment with a periodontist in Houston, TX.