Today, many of us have crooked teeth that we’re not happy with. While the underlying issues are far and wide (anything from genetics to poor myofunctional habits), the good news is, our dental technology is advanced enough to fix this common problem.
In the past, the majority of people got metal braces. But now, many opt for Invisalign, which has many benefits over them.
But just because Invisalign is much more appealing doesn’t mean it’s foolproof either. You have to use it correctly to get the best results possible.
To do so, here are 9 common Invisalign mistakes you need to avoid.
1. Not Wearing Aligners Enough
One of the best benefits of Invisalign is that you get clear trays to wear. Braces are bonded to your teeth, which means you don’t get any breaks for the entire duration of treatment.
While you can take out your aligners if you need a breather, you need to keep them in 20 to 22 hours a day for treatment to be effective. If you don’t diligently wear your trays, this can delay progress.
2. Eating and Drinking With Your Aligners On
While you need to wear your aligners most of the time, you should take them out when you’re eating or drinking.
This is because particles can get stuck and cause bacteria to grow and negatively impact your dental health. Not to mention, it can also stain your trays.
Make sure that after you eat or drink, you brush your teeth right after. This ensures that your aligners are as germ-free as possible when you put them back in.
3. Keeping Your Trays Out in the Open
Yes, you need to take your trays out when you eat or drink. But because they’re clear, so many patients accidentally throw out their aligners! This happens often because people place the trays in their napkin and then they grab it and throw it away after their meals.
A better choice is to always bring your case with you. That way, when you take out your aligner for any reason, you can place it straight into the case. And when you need it again, you can have peace of mind that your aligner is somewhere safe and sound.
4. Not Cleaning Your Aligners
As we’ve mentioned, food and drink particles can get stuck in your aligners and cause dental issues. This is why you need to take them out when eating or drinking.
But your mouth still naturally has bacteria in it, which means they’ll be in contact with your aligners. This means that regularly cleaning your aligners is crucial.
Make sure you clean them every day so bacteria can’t grow. This will also help them smell fresher and unpleasant. It can also prevent discoloration.
5. Using Toothpaste to Clean Your Aligners
On that note, you need to use the right materials to clean your trays. Otherwise, they can become discolored.
You might think toothpaste is good for cleaning. After all, what’s good for your teeth should be ok for your aligners, right?
However, you want to stay away from toothpaste because it’ll stain your trays. Instead, use unscented soap that also has no colored dyes.
6. Smoking While Using Aligners
We all know that smoking is bad for your health. But did you know that smoking can hinder your Invisalign treatment?
It’s twice as likely for you to get gum disease when compared to nonsmokers. If you get gum disease while using aligners, they can become difficult and uncomfortable to wear.
Also, smoking can discolor your aligners. This will make them more noticeable to others.
7. Not Filing Your Treatment With Insurance
You might think that because Invisalign is a cosmetic treatment, it’s not covered under your dental insurance. But think again!
It’s always worth a shot to contact your insurance company and ask whether or not Invisalign is covered. If you’re not sure how to go about it, just have your dentist do it, as they’ll be able to ask the right questions.
8. Thinking Invisalign Is a Quick Fix
Just because Invisalign uses more advanced technology than traditional braces do doesn’t necessarily mean you can get straight teeth in a flash.
While yes, Invisalign is typically a quicker treatment than other teeth straightening procedures, you’ll still need to invest some time into it. Depending on how bad your teeth are and how diligent you are with wearing your trays, it can take at least a year for you to see real results.
9. Not Following Your Dentist’s Advice
The worst thing you can do is to ignore your dentist’s advice when it comes to Invisalign.
During treatment, you’ll receive several aligners to wear for specific periods of time. These are created specifically for you and your dentist will advise you on when to wear the next tray, depending on how much progress you’ve made.
So as you can see, follow-up appointments are important. If your dentist tells you to start wearing the next tray in a week, then you should definitely listen to them. If you wear a tray for too long or jump the gun early, this can negatively affect the progress you’ve made.
By following your dentist’s advice, you’ll fully enjoy the benefits of Invisalign.
Avoid Making These Common Invisalign Mistakes
Now that you know about the common Invisalign mistakes, you’ll have an easier time if you opt for this dental treatment.
So if you’ve been feeling self-conscious about your crooked teeth and want to do something about them, it’s time to talk to your dentist about Invisalign. They’ll help you figure out if you’re a good candidate!
If you’re interested in getting Invisalign in Houston, TX, then get in touch with us now. We’re the #1 cosmetic dentists in the local area!