dental veneers

You only have 27 seconds to make a strong first impression. About 69% of people say that they form a first impression of someone before they even have a chance to speak. In some cases, a smile says it all. 

If you’re unsatisfied with the appearance of your smile, you might want to consider porcelain dental veneers. Veneers can improve the appearance of your teeth. You can show off a stunning, perfect smile and make a strong first impression with each person you meet.

On the fence about visiting your Memorial dentist to discuss composite resin dental veneers? Here are seven reasons to give it serious thought.

After reading this guide, you can schedule a consultation with the information you need to make an informed choice. Read on to learn more about the dental veneers process today!

1. Minimize Enamel Removal

One of the reasons composite resin dental veneers are superior to other treatment options is you don’t have to sacrifice your natural teeth.

With some procedures, your dentist will need to remove a lot of your enamel. Your enamel protects your teeth from decay. Removing a small portion of tooth enamel ensures the treatment adheres to the front of your teeth.

When too much of your enamel is gone, your teeth can become vulnerable to decay and sensitivity. 

With veneers, your dentist will only need to remove a small amount of your tooth enamel. Crowns and bridges, on the other hand, cover all of one or more teeth. They require more enamel removal as a result.

In fact, the dental veneers process is a less invasive treatment option than many other techniques. For example, you won’t require downtime to recover after the procedure. You won’t have to miss work as a result.

Instead, your dentist will start by scheduling dental X-rays to examine your teeth. An exam also gives them the chance to search for tooth decay and gum disease. During the exam, they’ll determine if you’re an ideal candidate for treatment. 

Once they determine you’re an ideal candidate, they can size you for your veneers. They’ll create a mold impression of your teeth to send to a lab. Within a few weeks, you’ll return to have your veneers fitted and shaped in place.

A dentist will then bond the veneer to your tooth using dental cement and ultraviolet light. Then, you can get back to your daily routine with a renewed smile. 

You can schedule a consultation appointment with your Memorial dentist to learn more about the treatment process.

2. Cover Cracks and Chips

You can talk to your dentist about porcelain dental veneers if you’re unsatisfied with the state of your teeth. For example, perhaps you have chips, gaps, or cracks that require repairs.

In some cases, a dentist might recommend a procedure called bonding to fix these imperfections. Bonding involves painting tooth-colored resin onto the treatment area. The resin can repair and restore your teeth.

Veneers, however, can accomplish the same goal and provide long-lasting results.

In fact, porcelain dental veneers are made of more durable materials than resin. Otherwise, you’ll require periodontic touch-ups and adjustments over the years.

With porcelain veneers, you can fix a range of cosmetic problems, including:

Each veneer is custom-made based on your distinct needs. You can cover cracks and chips to restore the appearance of your smile.

Restoring your smile can help you feel more confident. You can smile without worrying about the appearance of your teeth. 

3. Prevent Discoloration

Drinking coffee, tea, and wine can all discolor and stain your teeth overtime. Certain foods that contain heavy food dyes can cause discoloration, too. If your teeth look dull and discolored, you don’t have to spend money on tooth whitening treatments.

Instead, talk to your Memorial dentist about using veneers. Veneers can protect your teeth from stains. You can save money on future whitening treatments and products as a result. 

In fact, porcelain veneers are even non-porous. They could help prevent future stains and cavities, even if you’re an avid coffee drinker.

Make sure to brush and floss every day to maintain your stunning smile, though. 

4. They Look and Feel Natural

Veneers are custom-made for every individual patient. They’re designed to fit your natural teeth perfectly. Remember, your dentist will create an impression of your teeth to ensure a seamless fit.

Your veneers will look and feel natural, too. People won’t even realize you have veneers in place. 

According to one study, porcelain veneers have a survival rate of over 10 years. They can exist among your natural teeth for long-lasting results. 

5. Improve Functionality

Veneers can also improve the functionality of your existing teeth.

If you have misshapen teeth, you might experience problems while chewing. You might develop a lisp as well. You can remedy the problem by asking your dentist about veneers.

With veneers, you can improve the appearance of your smile, which might benefit your quality of life. 

6. They Don’t Require Special Care

Your dental veneers won’t require special maintenance or care. Instead, you’ll only need to brush and floss normally to keep them in the best shape.

Remember, porcelain veneers are non-porous, allowing them to resist stains and damage. In fact, they’ll even resist stains better than your natural teeth. In other words, they can help protect your underlying teeth for as long as your veneers last. 

7. Boost Your Confidence

Fixing cosmetic dental issues you’ve developed over time with veneers can also boost your self-confidence.

You don’t have to hide your smile in photos or social settings anymore. Instead, you can grin ear-to-ear and show off your smile. Remember, people won’t even realize you have veneers in place.

Instead, you can feel confident about your appearance without worry!

Stunning Smiles: 7 Benefits of Choosing Dental Veneers from a Memorial Dentist

Want to improve the appearance of your smile? Consider talking to your dentist about porcelain dental veneers. With veneers in place, you can fix any cosmetic issues.

Then, you can start grinning with the utmost confidence. Get ready to start making strong first impressions with your new, restored smile.

Want to talk to your Memorial dentists about your treatment options? We’re here to help. 

Learn more about veneers today to get started.